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T-shirts with a very feminine cut, illustrated with expressions, quotes or humorous drawings about the men, women, politics, urban legends, leisure, customs or lifestyle of everyone.
Blondes, young people, parents, old people, fondue, bad manners, stereotypes, films and famous brands, nothing and no one is spared.
Women's fashion slim T-Shirt illustrated with the quote "Attachiante, What else ? ✿ Attach(i)ante, quoi d'autre ? ✿
On n'est pas sorti de l'auberge ✪ Women's fashion T-Shirt
Women's fashion T-Shirt illustrated with the quote "Vivre chaque fondue comme si c'était... ★
Adjeu don ! ça joue ou bien ? ★ Women's fashion T-Shirt
Fashion t-shirt in a very feminine cut illustrated with ❤ To flemme or not to flemme ? ❤ chat flemmard ❤
Lady's casual T-shirt illustrated with an adorable panda in the Kawaii style and wearing sunglasses ❤ Adopt the Panda attitude ❤
Women's fashion slim T-Shirt illustrated with the quote "Coiffeuse, What else ? ☀ Paire de ciseaux ☀
Women's T-shirt illustrated with the quote "J'ai arrêté de faire du sport ✪
Women's fashion slim T-Shirt illustrated with the quote "Conduire un tracteur"
With the wearing of the mask, it is more difficult to recognize a person in a public place. Identify yourself with the identity card printed on your T-shirt. This is in the name of ✪ Calamity Jane ✪